LOVE the wicked black toothy peristome and the dark mottled green of this monster!
From Borneo Exotics: "The female parent is a giant N. robcantleyi, which although one of the original six plants we raised from seeds, has no cultivar name at the time of writing (Feb 2020). The male parent is a selected clone of the Gng Tambusisi form of N. hamata, selected from among those sold under BE-3280. This is the reverse cross to the items sold under BE-3621 and BE-3746 which are from two different grexes of seed-grown N. hamata x robcantleyi. We believe we are seeing a considerable difference between this cross and the reverse cross. Although the pitchers are not yet mature enough to be definitive, it does appear that this cross may have a broader peristome than N. hamata x robcantleyi, which would be the influence of N. robcantleyi on the often more dominant (!) maternal side."