A lovely horticultural cross between two impressive truncata specimens!
My little Titanic Tyrant is not so little anymore! It flowered male (HUGE stalk!) and I was able to send the pollen to some friends. Looking forward to some promising crosses! I also saved some pollen in the fridge, so we will see if anything comes of it.
Predatory Plants also asked to use my photo in one of their ads! If that isn't validation, I don't know what is :) |
Current Growing Conditions:
Intermediate/Highland Grow Tent Light: Mars Hydro TSL 2000 LED Grow Light Humidity: ~95-100% constant (MistKing set to 30s every 2 hrs) Temperature: ~60F night and 80F day Water: Moist but not wet Potting Mix: 50% long fibered sphagnum moss 50% perlite Fertilizer: MaxSea (1/4 tsp/gallon) every other week into pitchers and lightly spray leaves Additional Notes: Easy in warm intermediate conditions. Grows FAST. Be prepared to give it LOTS of room! |